Narcissistic parent-in-laws…

Adding new people into your life through marriage can be a wonderful blessing or an interesting challenge. So what happens when you recognize that at least one of your parent-in-laws exhibits narcissistic qualities?

I’ve got one word for you: BOUNDARIES.

Not only is it necessary to set boundaries with those around you, but most importantly, with yourself. Which thoughts, feelings and experiences are you no longer going to tolerate? Which individuals will you elect to limit contact with and what does that look like?

Does it mean just having brunch with your mother-in-law and you put up with her rude comments towards the waitress? Does your boundary mean you’ll set your phone alarm for how much bullshit you’ll tolerate in a family gathering until you “have to go early to feed the cats?”

Only you know which boundaries work best for you. I work with so many men and women who have struggled with a narcissistic parent-in-law, and the holiday season is such a triggering time as a result. It isn’t your job to make your partner see anything from your perspective. However, it IS your job to be crystal clear with yourself and loved ones, on what is acceptable and also, what is unacceptable.

If you don’t even know where to start and you need a coaching guide during this holiday season, reach out to me. I’ve got open spots this holiday season to help you effortlessly navigate the jungle of the narcissist’s bullshit. Let’s just say…I’ve been there, done that.

If you need a therapist, mentor or hypnotherapist to work through this stuff, call me.

If you need a grounding meditation, check out my guided meditation designed special for you during this scary time of anti-semitism: youtube video

If you need group support, email me to join my free Jewish therapist support group. Half is processing and the other half is my meditation.

Much strength, love and healing,



Dear spiritual therapist who is scared to “go there…”


Words from a fiery Aries