Calm thoughts
Together, we will be working as a team to be:
Time efficient
Treatment goal-oriented
Hi there. I'm Michelle Iankowitz. I’m a licensed clinical trauma therapist with a passion for conscious expansion.
I bring over 25 years of energy healing as well as 15 years of clinical and scientific research background.
I provide holistic approaches such as Meditation, Hypnosis, Guided Imagery, Mentoring/Coaching and HeartMath.
Your heart has a story. I’m here to listen.
— Michelle Iankowitz
Find Balance to Move Forward
While intimacy is commonly associated with sex, intimacy is multi-layered in the subconscious mind. Sometimes, our subconscious mind gathers information which isn’t always helpful and then it backfires unexpectedly.
It can show up in not having strong boundaries, lacking trust with your intuition, fear of commitment, finances, communication issues, infidelity, erectile dysfunction, pre-ejaculation, betrayal and much more. Hypnosis can help you to sort this out.
Whether you are struggling with weight loss, weight gain, your body is having a difficult time with chemo, you lack a healthy relationship with food and/or your body, hypnosis is a very helpful tool to address such issues.
We have an amazing capacity to hold onto heavy energy from significant events.
Your body may be giving you the green light to finally call out the event, process and release it for good. Hypnosis can be a wonderful approach to help you move forward with lightness in your body and clarity in your heart.
Your subconscious mind naturally protects you. However, sometimes this involves developing caution, fears and /or phobias to the level where it harms you more than helps.
Whether it be a fear of intimacy, driving your car after a horrific accident or witnessing an accident (secondary trauma), fear of flying an airplane which means you miss out on wonderful vacation getaways and/or family gatherings, it’s important to address the subconscious mind to resolve such issues.
Click on Spencer M’s Client Video Testimonial
Learn about my services:
My mentorship style consists of being client-focused, using evidence-based practices, mindfulness, intuition and heart. We will review everything from energy depletion, professional and/or personal goals, thought patterns, beliefs and more.
Whether you are in need of a tune up or you require deeper support to address important issues, my mindfulness approach is effective.
A few common themes I see:
Re-establishing trust
Porn addiction
Chronic pain impact on intimacy
Grief impact on intimacy
Power struggle with in-laws
Narcissistic abuse recovery
We are only using about 2-3% of our conscious mind, which means the remaining is your untapped energy source (subconscious mind). Step into the unknown so that you can get back in charge of your life, habits, limiting beliefs and more.
Gain simple and useful tools so that you can easily manage anxiety, anger, grief, trauma and/or any other emotions.
HeartMath interventions will help you build a new skillset to emotionally regulate as well as strengthen your intuition through neurite to neuron connection, which is a fantastic tool when decision-making.
This is a creative approach to address challenges where conventional therapies have failed you. Common themes I see:
Writer’s block
Abundance building
Karmic ties
Breaking habits
Medical-rule out symptoms
Chronic pain
Difficulties in avoiding toxic partners
Unexplained fears/phobias
Curiosity to consciously expand
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